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In Residence

The more I travel, the more I feel at home when I'm away from home. Traveling sometimes can feel lonely, so you have to fill that 'not-at-home' emptiness with experiences, moments and people. And that's what really makes traveling a true experience, each time, every time.

However, New York feels more like home every time I go back there. Work, pleasure, love... everything seems to lead back to that place. But also, each time I'm there I see a new side of the city, unexpected, exciting.
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of feeling 'in residence' at this beautiful boutique property with an elegance reminiscent of the 1920s. I even woke up at 5am (ha?) to try to capture the charm of the sunrise I could see from my window... (see below)

All the photos taken in one of WestHouse hotel's suites.


  1. However, New York feels more like home every time I go back there. Work, pleasure, love... everything seems to lead back to that place. But also, each time I'm there I see a new side of the city, unexpected, exciting.sober living

  2. I knew we were off out somewhere. Humans take so bloomin’ long to get ready and set out, however after allowing them to talk nonsense for five minutes, we were off!sober living westchester ny



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